
How to Recharge Your Car’s AC System?

In order to avoid potential injury while recharging your car’s air conditioning system, make sure that you wear safety gloves and glasses. Once you have worn these safety items, you are ready to continue with the steps given below. It is quite straightforward and one can simply follow instruction that are available with your refrigerant and dispenser. Here are the steps, provided by the service providers of car AC recharge Dubai , to recharge your car’s AC: 1.        Lift the car’s hood. 2.        Start your car. 3.        Turn-on the AC. Turn the AC to full blast (get it all the way up to the coldest side, and get the fan running in highest settings). 4.        Unscrew low-side port’s cap. There’s a valve within the low-side port’s cap which is responsible for keeping the pressure from getting released. This cap is simply to protect this valve and create another ...

Tips to Winterize Your Car

During winter, while you are wrapping yourself, don’t forget that your car too needs protection. Get your car ready for the winters so that you can stay safe and drive safe during colder months. The courteous technicians involved with car AC coolantrefill Dubai and car AC repairs are here to provide you with tips to winterize your car. Replace the windshield wipers Windshield wipers require regular replacements as the rubber on it tends to deteriorate over time, especially if you use your car frequently. During winter season, low visibility is already a major risk factor, and even experienced drivers would agree that replacing the wipers in time is best. Also, coating the windshield with the wiper fluid would make it much easier for the wipers to rid of grime and water. Test your defroster Yet another important threat to visibility in winter is fog that builds up on your car’s windshield when moisture inside the car condenses on glass. It is the job of the def...

Tips to Resolve all of the Issues Related to Your car AC

Whether you are having a luxury car or an economical one, you may have gone through many problems that are related with your car AC. This is the time when we tend to look for easy solutions or tricks that can help us get rid of it. Some of the common methods that can be chosen for dealing with car ac problems have been listed below. •            Check for leaks if any, it can cause a real problem in the car AC and once resolved can bring your car back to normal running condition. •            Get service of your car done on a regular basis such, that in case if there will be any problem relating to car ac repair it can be dealt in time. •            Recharge your car ac on regular intervals of time so, that they do not cause any problem in future. Keeping the quality of car and its ac intact is important, and it gives long life t...

Auto-Matic Savings - Save Money While You Drive

It is well-known that if you live in Dubai, you most probably spend a lot of time in your car. During the summer months, this means cranking up your car’s AC to beat the heat.And this also means that you need to take care of the auto AC gas filling and any potential car AC repair, which is indispensable in Dubai. On those really hot and sticky days, using the AC in your car is a no-brainer. But, you may have asked yourself: “How can I use AC and still save some money?” Drivers have been arguing about windows down vs. air conditioning for years, but the honest answer is that there is no single solution. The type of car you drive, the actual temperature outside and the condition of your AC system will all play a role. Generally, running the AC can reduce gas mileage – but only if the auto AC gas filling has been done on time. In most cases, using the air conditioner burns up gas, so use it wisely. If temperatures outside the car are pleasant, open the windows an...